Bababo Ikuemonisan, Lagos. 

On the 5th June, 2022, I published a post on Centre for the Propagation of Ilaje Cultural Heritage (CEPICH), a research centre founded by Etikan Luminous Sun, S.Ola Ajimisan. In this publication, I staunchly advocated the creation of more Local Government areas or Local Council Development Areas in Ondo State especially for Ilaje Nation, which I considered too big to have only one Local Government Area. At that time, I was visibly angry with Ondo State government for neglecting Ayetoro and other communities in Ilaje Nation, despite only Ilaje Nation produces the liquid gold in Ondo State and the entire Southwest at the time.

I had visited Ayetoro and almost all communities in Ilaje Nation prior to this time and I saw the huge underdevelopment crisis and government nonchalance.  Properties worth billions of naira and the ecosystem in Ayetoro had just been destroyed. The people's livelihood wasn't spared. I witness firsthand the devastating effects of the Atlantic ocean, the glare of man made poverty, misery and underdevelopment in many communities. I was deeply embittered and came to the conclusion that creating more local government or LCDAs in Ilaje will enhance more intervention and socioeconomic development.

Perhaps, certain persons may considered me a day dreamer, my request novel and impossible at the time. Somehow, I stumbled on an old newspaper that contained the list of twenty seven additional LGAs created by the late Governor of Ondo State, Olusegun Agagu. Old, uncleared and tore, I strained my eyes, and typed it out. Yes! I proudly went through the stress to do that because I wanted to put it before public eyes and make the Government of Ondo State under Akeredolu consider the creation of more LGAs in Ondo State or LCDAs from the existing Local Government Areas with more for Ilaje Nation.

As God will have it, sometimes in the month of July 2023, the Ondo State Government under the Leadership of Gov. Rotimi Akeredolu announced the creation of thirty-three new Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) from the eighteen local government areas in the state.

I first read the news about the new LCDAs on the group chat of Etikan Day Planners. I was elated. Yes! Elated because this has finally come to manifestation.

At the time, I was very busy with Pre-Production work. So, I didn't read more about it on social media and news websites. True, the news was everywhere. But I was busy. When I finally had time to start surfing the internet to read news about the new LCDAs creation, I was shocked at the displeasure, dissatisfaction and controversies that greeted the new LCDAs creation. This came as a shock but apparently not unexpected, because when a thing like this happens people who didn't get what they expected will be unhappy, dissatisfied and then go on to cause rancor. Not just that, they are likely to cause serious rancor and force the government to halt its action or goodwill. This was likely why the people rejected the additional twenty seven LGAs created by Late Governor Olusegun Agagu.

The dissatisfaction this time around seemed to be a general thing. Few people on the Etikan Day Planners Group Chat had started it. Then, the remaining of us had joined them. Infact, I was part of them and you could tell at this time, I haven't even seen the list of the newly created LCDAs but I had welcomed the idea and I was elated about it because to me, it was my second advocacy in Ondo State coming to fruition. Although, the government may have had it coming.

While the agitation bore from dissatisfaction was going on, I had downloaded the file or was it picture, that contain the names of the LCDAs, communities under each and I started to ask questions - one of which was (paraphrasing) - were the people dully consulted?

Not long, the Luminous Sun, S. Ola Ajimisan came online and replied me (paraphrasing him), "Yes! I am one of the Ilaje elites at the meeting". Then, I didn't bother to ask any more question because, if he was invited as an Ilaje Elite. Others were too and clearly - Obas, politicians, scholars, business men, women and youths across communities in Ondo State were dully consulted and invited.

One wonders, why the rant? Simply put, alot expected to be invited. But truth is, everyone can't be invited. Although, there could have been wider consultation, right? That in itself may cause more government spending.

That said, everyone deserves to be involved in critical decision-making. However, we must be wary of being embittered by government actions or policies that involved our kins and kiths. They have of cause represented our interests. Hence, those who didn't get more LCDAs from their Local Government should blame their representatives, perhaps for not being vocal enough or for poor representation. But, I don't believe either is the case here. The truth is, those from Akoko or Akure crying chicken must come to the reality. You can't have three local governments and still want three or four LCDAs like Ilaje Local Government. That's pure wickedness mixed with evil. I can tell that this factor and many more were carefully considered to prevent rancor, bad blood and crisis as the aftermath of LCDAs creation. Therefore, every local government and community must make do with what they have and hold their leaders to responsibility to deliver the dividends of good governance especially now that government has been brought closer to the local communities. Indigenes must also support their local government council to succeed in its service delivery while making sure private firms too carry out their corperate social responsibilities.

For those crying fish in Ilaje, I honestly don't understand why. But, I think Ilaje got fair share and must be thankful.

While everyone has right to his personal or public dissatisfaction, I appeal to everyone to take out time to channel grievances to the appropriate quarters and just before doing so, compare and contrast the list of the Thirty-Three LCDAs created by Governor Rotimi Akeredolu and the additional twenty seven created then by Dr. Olusegun Agagu, understand the dynamics, bearing and prospects.

I hope the new LCDAs come to stay, are appropriated the full autonomy to operate, well funded even while they strive to generate more fund/revenue themselves and thrive.

Find in the subsequent paragraph, my original post on the list of the additional twenty seven LGAs created by Dr. Olusegun Agagu. Was your LGA and/or Community marginalized?

Centre for the Propagation of Ilaje Cultural Heritage (CEPICH) 

By Ikuemonisan Bababo Major.


Did you know?

On the 12th day of May, 2003, The Office of the Senior Special Assistant To the Executive Governor on Media (Falade Bankole Adebayo), To His Excellency, Late Dr. Olusegun Agagu, former Governor of Ondo State 

Published on The PUNCH, dated Thursday,  May 29, 2003 on Page 24 names of twenty-seven (27) New Local Government Councils created in Ondo State. These LGAs and their headquarters were approved by the Ondo State Executive Councils on the 12th May, 2003. This brings the number of LGAs in the State to forty-five (45).

Find the LGAs, Headquarters Towns and Villages below:

1. Ikare. Ikare-Akoko. Ikare and component quarters. 

2. Isowopo. Akunnu.  Ugbe, Iboropa, Ise, Auga, Ikakumo, etc. 

3. Akoko North Central. Arigidi. Arigidi, Erusu, Iye, Ikaram, Ajowa etc. 

4. Akoko West.  Okeluju. Iru, Ogbagi, Ese, Surulere, Okeluju, etc. 

5. Akoko North West. Oke-Agbe. Oyin, Afin, Igasi, Eriti,  Oke-Agbe. 

6. Owadaye. Oba-Akoko. Oba, Ikun, Osé, Ago-Ajayi,  Igbowoye etc. 

7. Oka. Oka. Oke-Oka, Iwaro, Aiyegunle, Simerin etc. 

8. Akoko South West. Akungba. Akungba, Supare, Etioro, Ugbegun etc. 

9. Ose.  Ifon. Ifon, Ijagba, Imoru, Ule, Ikaro, Armogija etc. 

10. Ireakari. Idoani. Idoani, Idogun, Afo, Oke Afo, Imeri, Owani etc. 

11. Owo Central. Owo. Owo, Ijebu, and Idasen. 

12. Owo North West.  Emure-Ile.  Emure-Ile, Uso,  Kajola,Asolo etc. 

13. Owo North East.  Ipele.  Omolege, Ukiti, Ugbe, Upo, Obukela etc. 

14. Akure North. Iju/Itagbolu. Iju, Ilaogbolu, Isinigbo, Odudu, Liado etc. 

15. Akure East.  Oba-Ile.  Oba-Ile, Aiyede-Ogbese, Ilu-abo, Igbatoro etc. 

16. Akure South West.  Aponmu-Akure. Ota-Oniyan, Golu, Oke Ekun, Oyo Omodara etc. 

17. Akure Central.  Akure.  Akure,  Ilere, Ipinsa. 

18. Akure South East.  Oda.  Oda, Emiloro, Ilekun, Ajipowo, Oda board etc. 

19. Idanre West. Owena Aiyetoro.  Owena-Aiyetoro, Irowo Area, Ijomu Area etc. 

20. Idanre East. Opa-Idanre.  Isalu, idale, Odeja I and II, Ajegbamide I and II. 

21. Ifedore  West. Igbara-Oke. Igbara-Oke, Isarun, Mariwo, Ajeoku etc. 

22. Ifedore East. Ijare. Ijare, Ikota, Irese, Eti, Araromi etc. 

23. Ifedore Central. Ilara-Mokin. Ilara-Mokin, Ipogun, Ibule-Sora, Kajola etc. 

24. Ondo South. Bagbe. Bagbe, Igbatedo,  Igunshin,  Odowo etc. 

25. Ondo South West.  Litaye. Litaye, Igbindo, Leyowo, New Town etc. 

26. Ondo Central. Ondo Town. Ondo Town. 

27. Ondo East. Bolorunduro. Bolorunduro, Obolo, Ita-nla, Omiluri etc. 

28. Ondo North East. Tekuile. Tekuile, Tepol I and II, Owena, Fagbo-Oja  etc. 

29. Oloroke. Oke-Igbo. Oke-Igbo, Oloruntele,  Gberinlegi Idiroko etc. 

30. Ile-Oluji.  Ile-Oluji. Île Oluji, Bamikemo, Awaye, Usama etc. 

31. Araromi. Araromi Obu.  Araromi Obu, Aiyesan, Ago Alaye etc. 

32. Odigbo. Odigbo. Odigbo, Ore, Omifon, Adaja, Akintola/Akinfolarin.

33. Ajue. Ute. Ajue, Igburowo, Oro Orotedo, Kajola etc. 

34. Irele. Ode Irele. Ode Irele, Ayadi, Petu, Ladan, Arefun etc. 

35. Ikale East. Ajagba. Ajagba,  Akotogbo, Iyansan, Ijuosun etc. 

36. Ikale Central. Okitipupa. Okitipupa, Erinje, Ayeka, Igbodigo etc. 

37. Ikale West. Ilutitun. Ilutitun, Igbotako, Iju Odo, Akinfisile etc. 

38. Ikale North West.  Ode Aye. Ode Aye, Ikoya, Igbinsin, Oloto etc. 

39. Ilaje East. Ugbo Nla/Erunfan. Ode-Ugbo, Abetobo, Ehinmore, Ayetoro etc. 

40. Ilaje South West.  Zion Pepe. Agerige, Ode Etikan, Okesiri, Araromi etc. 

41. Ilaje West. Igbokoda. Ereke Majofodun, Orioke Iwamimo, Ode Mahin etc. 

42. Ese-Odo North. Igbekebo. Igbobini, Sabomi, Igbotu, Zion Community etc. 

43. Ese Odo South. Arogbo. New Jerusalem, Agadagba Ogbon, Apata etc. 

44. Akoko South East. Ifira Akoko. Sosan, Ifira, Ipesi. 

45. Akoko South Central. Isua Akoko.  Isua, Epinmi, Ipe.

This action was a commendable stride by Governor Olusegun Agagu and his State Executive Council, and an appropriate attempt to correct the imbalance in the current system of Eighteen (18) Local Government Areas and a veritable efforts to bring government more closer to the local people and foster development. However, following the creation, the State Government didn't make any further attempt for the exit of workers of the new Local Government working in their former LGAs so to start out own Local Government Councils, facilities and equipment were not provided, neither were new Local Government Personels recruited.

If the Ondo State Government under Late Dr. Olusegun Agagu had matched its gesture with concrete actions, Local Government Area like Ilaje which is too big to be administered as one and by one Local Council boss will today boast of three Local Government Areas, more interaction among the towns and villages under them, more trained personel and these will reflect in the physical development of the Local communities and human capital development.

Today, while most Local Government Areas in the Ondo North and Central Senatorial districts have additional LGA- with the suffice of North, West, South or Central, no LGA in Ondo Southern Senatorial has same. 

Dr. Olusegun Agagu indeed must have observed this and was committed to correct this. However, circumstances beyond his power must have prevented him from achieving this laudable dream. 

Be that as it may, there's need for the creation of more Local Government in Ondo State as this will enhance revenue generation, human capital and infrastructural development in the State.
