Ending the Old, Inept Leadership in Nigeria

I woke into the Presidential campaign posters of Sen. Bola Tinubu and His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar on my phone. They are arguable Nigeria's richest political elites. While I do not contest their constitutional right to run for the exalted office of the President. I think it's honourable at this stage for them and their likes to retire from active Politics and act behind the curtain as Elder Statemen to guide the new generation of Youthful, innovative and more visionary Leaders.

Sadly, excessive greed won't let them. What new ideas are they bringing onboard that they couldn't fathom many years ago and Revolutionalize the system? Even a Governor who couldn't prove his onus after four years in office is undeserving of a second term, talk more Politicians who have been elected to different positions at different times yet the story remains the same. I therefore seize this opportunity to call on the Nigerian youth to be conscious, and wary of the old crop of Leaders, who in Buhari's words "presided over the new destruction of the country" gunning for 2023.

Youth must unite as a formidable force to usurp the old and ineffectual Leadership and retire the old brigade come 2023 lest they may succeed executing the destruction of Nigeria.

I am not unaware that, the Nigeria political landscape has a culture of recycling old, inept, self-aggrandizing, morally bankrupt Politicians whom only goal is to perpetual endemic corruption. This crop of politicians lack the intellect, innovative dexterities and political will to transform the country, but every now and then, they succeed in winning election, not because of their weath of experience or distinct precedent but because as military, civilian heads of government, and politicians in the 60s they have the monetary resource, controls the political machineries and retain a strong influence over politics in the country and as a result perpetuate themselves in power.

Again, the absence of strong sociopolitical institutions makes Nigerian politics exclusive serve of the Oldies as Institutions such as the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) lack true independence and places the interest of a few rich above the vast majority. Hence, continue to serve the interest of the old politicians that control the political terrain and subvert the will of the people. Consequent upon this, Over the years, most youth and teeming supporters have lost hope in the entire electoral process. Because, they believe that When they vote, it will not reflect in the system.

This notwithstanding, youth must be re-orientated that nothing beats a United and indivisible Youth. The EndSARS protest is a clear testament. We didn't only force our demands down their throats, we instill fear in them, made it known that it's no longer business as usual and we almost wreck havoc on their Hegemony. We would have taken our country back if not for their use of Police and Army to shoot at us in a bid to discharge and quash our protest. They killed some of us but not all of us.

We reverend those who laid their lives for a better Nigeria. Truly, they are no more. But they will live forever in our hearts. For them, Us and generations yet unborn, we must keep the solidarity and enthusiasm aflame, we must shame the old brigade and their accumulated and stolen wealth by making sure to unanimously support a sole youth Presidential Candidate come 2023, and come out en-masse to vote for him. After voting voting, we must protect our votes by carefully watching the counting procedures up until announcement of results. Not forgetting the fundamental of a situation room.

Currently, youths make up over 67% of registered voters, on average, which means that whoever we decide to support and vote for is sure of winning the election.

Importantly, we don't have to wait for 2023 to WIN the Election. The WINNING starts now.

All Nigerian Youths must activate Our 2023 WINNING by becoming keen in politics and all political participation. Those Youths without PVCs must make sure to register for PVCs when it time and collect them too.

All Nigerian youths must have a single forum to galvanise ourselves, help ourselves, promote youth participation geared towards achieving levels relative to those of the rest of the population and help youths take unanimous decision for a sole Youth Presidential Candidate in 2023 and maintain same for all youth candidates vying for any position.

Youth who have excelled in their careers must support young people’s participation in inclusive political processes and democratic practices, through three measures, covering the wider enabling environment, individual capacity building and a specific focus on young women. Remember articulated and fearless women were at the forefront of the #ENDSARS protest. Government couldn't pin anything on them. They couldn't shoot or even harass them. No matter the situation, mothers and girls are respected and protected.

Prior to the election, priority must be giving to the promotion of young people’s skills and capacities to participate actively in democratic practices and the electioneering processes, including in local, national, and global processes (leadership trainings, etc.). In this sense, we must tap into the huge man power and voting strength across Tertiary Institutions, and on every street in Nigeria.

In conclusion, sequel to the passing of the NotTooYoungToRun Bill, the bill indeed has positive effect on youth participation, with youth candidacy increasing from 21% in 2015 to 34.2% in the 2019 elections. Despite these changes, the number of youths aged 18–29 (based on the youth definition given by the National Youth Policy organisation), voted into elective positions in Nigeria is less than 1%. Furthermore, based on the NYPO there are no youths in the cabinet of President Buhari, and neither is there a youth in this age bracket at the National Assembly.

Suffice to say by the above, I do not intend to say there are no youths in this Government. Of cause, they are when we place the youth age bracket between 30 to 45. However, the percentage is dishearteningly low and even worse for women when compared with advanced clime. In 2023, we can change the narrative. To do this, all hands must therefore be on desk.

Ikuemonisan Bababo writes from Lagos, Nigeria.
