While on End SARS protest Let Me Fly You to the Democratic Republic of Congo

The seemingly unending genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Police brutality in Nigeria, the extra judicial killings of promising human beings, the vicious cycle of poverty, the ineptitude of the African Leadership affect our collective humanity. Therefore, we must be worried and give attention to ending them.

Dr. Congo has been at war since 1996 when it first war broke out. The War also nicknamed Africa's First World War was a Civil War and an International Military conflict which took place between October 1996 and May 1997 leading to the mass killing of Rwandan, Congolese and Burundian. Hutu men, women and children in villages and refugee camps then were hunted down while fleeing across the territory of Democratic Republic of Congo. Tens of thousands deaths were recorded (around 200,000 -232,00).

Another bloody fight struck Dr. Congo between 1999 and 2003. This became known as the second Congo War, and involved some of the same issues. This claimed lives like the first, and ended officially in July 2003.

Many years after, the Congo is yet to find peace as fresh massacres took place in Eastern Dr. Congo between 22 Jan.-30 September, 2020.

The armed groups' conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo worsen by the day and touch our collective humanity as the attacks have led to the death and displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom remain in refu­gee camps yet there's no end in sight.

The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on the basis of their ethnicity, political beliefs, religion, social status, or other particularities is saddening. The militias responsible for these killings, and political instabilities in Congo deserved to be punished, but why African Leaders are silent on the matter is beyond comprehension.

I see and read everywhere, African youth calling for the West to intervene in Congo. But I don't think the west is interested in Congo. Yes! Because intervening in the Congo won't benefit them and even if they find the slightest of benefits in the Congo, they will only see Africans as directionless, lazy and unorganized people who still can't manage their own affairs. It's people poor, and helpless, it's Leaders corrupt and merciless, who run to the west for everything, instead of sitting down, think innovatively on how to solve their problems, manage their affairs and play viable part in their development and enviable role in the world. The inability to rise above our challenges and engender Development only make Us subjects of ridicule and slaves to the west.

Indeed, recent events in Africa are evidences that the African political elites have failed. African youth must rise and take their destinies into their hands. We the youth need synergies for sociopolitical and economic reforms for Africa to thrive. Nobody can help Africa than ourselves.

We must therefore UNITE in a clear course geared toward the RISE of Africa: To end WAR, poverty, hunger, corruption and bad leadership, to end impunity, to stop the old, self-aggrandizing leaders whom generation birthed #PanAfricanism but who today look away from it.

Where are the members of the African Youth Parliament? Where are the vibrant youths/undergraduates/graduates of African decend? Where are the Diaspora African youths? Where are the young business Moguls, tech gurus, global leaders of African decend? Are the young Africans in the forces home and abroad pleased with the happenings in the Continent? It's time to be involved in solving the age long problems bedeviling Africa in a creative way.

Suffices to say, I am proud of the #ENDSARS protest. It has stayed for days, remained, and have proven that the collective spirit of the youth can't be broken, and that we are finally set to change the narrative. However, we must go beyond mere ending SARS protest to demanding holistic reforms in all public institutions in Nigeria and see to it that these happen within a stipulated time. I shall write on this later. 


#EnoughofMan Inhumanity to man. #EndGenocideInCongo #EndPoliceBrutality #EndsSARS #EndBadGovernmentinNIGERIA

Ikuemonisan Bababo writes from Lagos, Nigeria.
