COVID-19: Nigeria Must Learn from the Chinese

So one highly mouthed Politician opened his mouth to say 'Nigerians Are The Most Indisciplined People On Earth'
Wait! Who between this class of political robbers and Nigerians who earn their living in the most honest mean is indiscipline?

Your principal said "Abacha is not corrupt" but Nigeria never cease to receive credit alert from that monumental corruptocrat and draconian from his grave.
Truth is, Abacha is no longer the enemy of Nigeria but present day corruptocrats pen-ready to reloot every recovered loot, then return to their constant budgetary thiefing(inflating estimated budget), deliberate extortion of Nigerians while not taking eyes off COVID-19 donation. Funny thing is,  Bubu has opened a COVID-19 account. You see, it's obvious this Government is interested in making money via the Corona virus than containing or getting a cure for it.

Imagine! You eased lockdown as clamoured for, but appears more clueless to providing a lasting cure for the pandemic.
What use is this when Government is not making frantic efforts to standardize the health sector, assemble a team of seasoned scientists and Trado-medic experts to get to work and come up with a cure for Corona virus?

Like or hate him, President Donald Trump is one of the best president of all time. Trump in the face of this pandemic has proven his love for Americans by his COVID-19 stimulus package and commitment to producing a vaccine for the virus killing his people and ravaging the world.

The British Government is not also sleeping. British Scientists are working tirelessly to get a vaccine for the pandemic. Only last week we learnt a vaccine has been produced and a scientist sacrificed herself to be vaccinated for the trial of the vaccine.
What is Naija waiting for? Ok! I guess free donation from the west.
Now, forget the shit any body is telling you about China. Forget all those conspiracy theories that Corona virus was developed in a Lab by the Chinese. Yes! The virus originated from Wuhan, China. But certain virus or diseases have also broke out in other places in the past.  Let's focus on the fact that China is an emerging super-power that we must dread and love at same time.
COVID-19 originated in China, but the Chinese have technically overcome the disease while thousands are still reported dying of the virus around the world. What does this tells you?

China is well focused economically, technologically, educationally, militarily and citizens welfaristically. The Chinese did not get to where they are today by blaming the west neither their past leaders. Rather by devoting in all sincerity their intellect, good-will, administrative dexterities, ingenuity and honesty to make China a place of pride and a nation to reckon with. The Chinese leadership class is working for the good of the country, the citizens support them with everything, not because they are no poor, hungry and angry people in China but because the leadership class put in place Economic policies that cater for both the poor and rich alike, and a legal system that respects all interest group and serve justice fairly. Infact, a legal system that punishes looting and corruption by political office holders. Thus, allowing for undaunted patriotism.

Today, I read with delight that Chinese youngsters in Wuhan, in over 121 institutions filed back to class, wearing masks and walking in single file past thermal scanners. The Thermal scanners greeted everyone walking through school gates, and anyone with a high temperature was not allowed in. Get it clear, the thermal Scanners aren't just there to greet the people, but detect any case of Corona Virus.
If you read my article NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT MAY KILL MORE NIGERIANS THAN CORONA VIRUS dated March 31, 2020. Read via . I made it clear that China didn't trace Corona virus cases manually like Nigeria's NCDC and Government is currently doing, and fooling themselves. They immediately developed a technology that help them detect multiple cases of Corona virus and at once take patients to isolation centres where they are properly treated.
Schools have reopened in Wuhan, students and others aren't just wearing face masks, but teenagers sat at individual desks spaced a 3.3 feet apart with a glass partition to maintain social distancing.

Armed police officers were also seen standing guard at the entrance wearing helmets and the helmets scanned the temperature of people passing by. What an easy way to detect Corona Virus cases.
Here in Nigeria the government is more committed to lying to the people and borrowing foreign loans than seriously curtailing the spread of the virus, getting a cure, upgrading the healthcare system, catering sincerely for the citizens, diversifying the economic considering the looming realities, standardizing the education sector and discussing going back to school.

What exactly is Nigeria's problem?
The most annoying thing is, we do not hear new cases of Corona Virus without hearing cases of certain patients fleeling Isolation centres. How Dem no go run when everything about Nigeria nah lie.
It is no gainsaying that since the ease of lockdown cases are skyrocketing daily, and another lockdown would bring worst realities. Therefore, it is my advise that government should learn from the Chinese by devicing a technical means to track cases of Corona Virus, and while people go about their businesses, the curfew and compulsory wearing of face mask remain. A floor to top- glass partition should be prioritized/constructed in public places like banks, markets etc to ensure effective social distancing. Government should also assemble and fund a team of seasoned scientists and Trado-medics experts to research and produce a Nigerian vaccine/cure for Corona virus. Government must come to the understanding that the reason most people do not totally conform to Government directives is poverty, hunger and need to survive. Hence, to make Nigerians law abiding and patriotic, all citizens must be captured in the nation's economic plan and holistically catered for.

Moreso, with continuous collapse of oil prices in the International market, it becomes a compulsion that government diversify the Nigerian economy. Finally, I hate to talk about law in Nigeria because the law here only protects the rich and punishes the poor. However, suffice to say, any nation that seriously wants to develop must have a body of law that is a respecter of no human and guarantee the development of all.

Ikuemonisan Bababo writes from continuous self-lock down in Lagos.
